Happy Mail Monday vol. 24

Hi, friends! Happy Monday! How are you? šŸ’›

I hope that you had a good weekend and were able to have some Halloween fun with your loved ones. We kept it pretty low-key this year ā€” our teenagers didn’t trick-or-treat (which was the right decision for our family) and our youngest just had a Halloween hangout with two friends. We ate lots of candy, played games together, and watched some tv together too (I got really into The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix and my husband and oldest daughter got totally sucked in as well ā€” we’re only a few episodes in, but it’s really good). My girls and I watched Clouds together on Disney+ and oh my gosh ā€” definitely one you need a box of Kleenex and a bowl of ice cream for, but it’s so good. We all snuggled in my bed and cried together and it was kind of the best.

Anyway, I was putting together some happy mail and thought I’d share a couple of things I’m currently loving:

Teacher cards from my Etsy shop and super cute, hand-painted post cards from my friend Rebekah’s Etsy shop.

I don’t know about you, but nowadays, my mailbox is chocked full of political flyers, bills, and junk mail ā€” and the occasional piece of happy mail is always the most welcome surprise.

You never know how much a little note of love, encouragement, and kindness can mean to someone. Especially right now! I hope this inspires you to send some happy mail this week! And remember ā€” if you ever want some cute, free handmade cards, feel free to DM me on Instagram. I have plenty and need help getting the word out about my Etsy shop.

Thanks so much for stopping by ā€” I hope you have a great week and are able to get out and vote tomorrow (if you haven’t already).

Sending big (virtual) hugs and so much love. Take care and be well. šŸ’›

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